Clinical Hypnosis is a safe and viable therapeutic modality. There are over 100 years of scientific
literature to support its safety and effectiveness, with an
average of 150 articles published yearly.
Hypnosis is a self-induced state of altered awareness and inward
absorption achieved by heightened attention and concentration. In
this state the mind holds back its’ critical and analytical
tendencies and reality testing, permitting a receptivity and
acceptance of suggestions, images and thoughts which are gently
offered by the therapist. This results in skill acquisition in
controlling or inhibiting emotional challenges, unwanted
behaviors, discomfort, facilitating tissue healing, achieving pain
relief and insight.
The therapist uses words to help you enter the hypnotic
trance. You may be guided to relax your breathing and to notice or
feel different sensations such as relaxation, lightness or
heaviness, and visualize particular images such as a staircase.
Suggestibility may result. At this stage, the therapist
suggests new ideas to you which are consistent with your goals.
New ideas may include symptomatic improvement, acquiring control
over your body, acquiring insight, acquiring emotional control,
acquiring a new perspective and new solutions. Your conscious
mind, which usually analyzes and critiques information, is
temporarily on hold. Your subconscious mind can absorb and accept
these new ideas without any hesitation, which then may become
implanted into your thoughts.
Hypnosis ends when the therapist guides you back to your
regular state. You will be able to remember everything.
Suggestions and visualizations may be formulated in advance along
with your input.
Ninety percent of the population have the capacity to be
hypnotized and 15-20% are born with an exceptional capacity. There
is no one personality trait that predicts hypnotizability.
Regardless of your talent or capacity for hypnosis, a good
therapist can help you attain this state if you are highly
Everyone experiences hypnosis in a unique way. Some individuals
feel relaxed, refreshed, or groggy, or distanced from the
immediate environment. Some people even report feeling quite
ordinary. You will know if hypnosis “took” from your success in
reaching your goal. The length of treatment and lasting effects of
hypnosis may depend on the following factors: motivation,
hopefulness, rapport with the therapist, skill of the
therapist, and the severity and duration of the presenting
problem. With this in mind, most patients in my practice require
one to five sessions to achieve significant improvement.
You always remain in control throughout the hypnosis session. Any
suggestion that is not consistent with your values or goals will
be rejected by your mind. You retain the ability to return to your
regular state at any time. You will be able to hear, move and
speak while in hypnotic trance.
Stage hypnosis has tarnished the reputation of Clinical Hypnosis. This
form of hypnosis is unethical, unprofessional and potentially
harmful. With stage hypnosis, audience volunteers are made to lose
their inhibitions and trance is used as a form of entertainment.
This form of entertainment is unregulated in the United States.
Hypnosis modifies the way your brain interprets experiences. It
can change your feelings, your thoughts, your perceptions and your
behaviors. MRI and PET scans have been used by scientists to
visualize the metabolic and chemical activity of the different
parts of the brain and how they change during a hypnotic trance.
In the 1970’s, Scientists discovered that during hypnosis there is
a shift in activity from the left to the right hemisphere.
The left hemisphere is associated with logical thinking and the
conscious mind, and the right hemisphere is associated with
creative imagination and the subconscious mind. Hypnosis involves
the left side of the brain switching off and the right side of the
brain being allowed to take over. This switch off may be
accomplished by making the brain focus on something monotonous.
Once the left side realizes there is nothing worth attending to,
it hands over to the right side. Scientists have discovered that
during hypnosis, although you may feel more relaxed, hypnosis
produces increased activity in several areas of the brain
including the temporal, occipital and parietal lobes. The frontal
lobes, associated with rational and logical thinking, show reduced
activity. The latest discoveries from MRI scans reveal that the
cingulate gyrus (part of the limbic system associated with
emotional expression) is significantly activated during hypnosis.
This explains why you are more able to connect intensely with your
feelings under hypnosis.
Scientific research has proven that hypnotic trance is not merely
a state of relaxation. This has been confirmed through measuring
brain activity during hypnosis. Techniques employed include:
Researchers have developed physiological markers of the stages of
hypnotic induction and have shown that the hypnotic state is
characterized by left hemispheric frontal inhibition followed by
the activation of right hemisphere posterior function.
Medical imaging techniques such as Positron Emission Tomography
(PET) Scans can reveal distinctly different patterns of brain
activity depending on the state of sleep, relaxation, meditation
or hypnosis. Brain waves are categorized as alpha, beta, theta and
delta waves. Theta wave activity is observed with hypnosis and
just before one enters into sleep, and immediately upon awakening
Alpha wave activity is observed with hypnosis, meditation, and
activities which require alertness but are relaxing, along with
the beginning of sleep. Delta wave activity is observed with deep
Clinical Hypnosis uses a meditation-like state and then goes further to
accomplish work by changing thoughts, ideas, behaviors and
Meditation stays with the trance state without a specific
application of it.
For Clinical Hypnosis to be effective, relaxation does not have to take
place at all. You can be hypnotized while tense, upset or unhappy.
You are not asleep during hypnosis. You are alert and able to
respond to directives and questions, which is impossible while
Stress Management
Substance Use
Sexual Abuse
Overeating |
Low Self Esteem
Fear of Heights
Traumatic Events
Relationship Issues
Fear of Flying
Public Speaking |
Unresolved Past
Obsessive Worry
Body Image
Athletic Performance
Habit Disorders
Chronic Pain
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
Serving Philadelphia, Philadelphia Suburbs, and The Main Line