Clinical Hypnosis and REBT for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Anxiety, Weight Loss, Chronic Pain, Stress Management And
Personal Growth, using Individualized, Research Based Techniques.

Article by Susan Sacks, M.S.N. - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Susan Sacks is a well known and very highly regarded
psychotherapist- by health professionals and patients alike in
the Main Line area. She has a busy practice with a high rate of
Dr. Michael Broder, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist,
Executive Director of the Albert Ellis
Institute of New York, and author of Can Your
Relationship Be Saved? How To Know Whether To Stay or Go.
Susan, I have been doing well. The hypnosis makes
compliance easier. I seem to have no desire for bread,
pasta etc. Thank you for all your assistance. Donna L.
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
Serving Philadelphia, Philadelphia Suburbs, and The Main Line